Experienced counsellor singapore

Therapy for Couples &Individuals

Experienced therapist who can relate to people from both Asian and Western cultures. A former banking lawyer, I have deep insight into the stresses and challenges of the corporate world and how they impact our personal lives, allowing me to bring a holistic perspective to my therapy.

I am passionate about helping people with their relationships, be it with themselves, their partners, families or in the workplace.

Certified EFCT, EFIT and EFFT therapist by the International Centre for Excellence in Emotionally Focused Therapy (ICEEFT)

“Faith is the bird that feels the light when the dawn is still dark”.

~Rabindranath Tagore

 “From the cradle to the grave, humans desire a certain someone who will look out for them, notice and value them, soothe their wounds, reassure them in life’s difficult places and hold them in the dark.”

~ Dr Sue Johnson

Our romantic relationships are important to us.

How is your relationship?

Disconnection - Do you feel alone and disconnected from your partner even though from the outside it looks like you have a nice relationship?

Reactive - Do you or your partner consistently get reactive and angry over apparently small things?

Critical - Do you feel hurt and criticised by the way your partner speaks to you and do you withdraw in silence, feeling that you are a disappointment to your partner?

Lack of Empathy - Do you feel hurt that your partner is unable to pick up your distress or shows a lack of empathy for your feelings?

Transition - Are you and your partner going through a transition, such as moving countries, or having your first baby, or going to serious illness. Do you feel you are losing each other?

Injury/Betrayal - Has your partner hurt you deeply, had a affair, or not been there for you at a critical moment? Have either or both of you not been able to get over this?

ASD/ADHD - Do you or your partner have any neurodiverse traits of ASD or ADHD and is this having an impact on your relationship?

Lack of Desire - Is your intimate life suffering, do you feel a lack of desire or attraction to your partner?

Couples Therapy

 “In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer.”

~ Raymond Carver

Life is full of challenges…

Life is full of challenges and everyone has his or her own private pain, even if from the outside it may look like things are going well.

How are you doing?

Stress - Are you stressed out and feeling overwhelmed by the unending demands of work and finding it hard to balance that with the responsibilities as a partner or parent at home?

Identity and Belonging - Are you feeling lost after moving countries, and find it difficult to feel a sense of belonging? Do you ask yourself - Who am I? And where is home?

Anxiety - Are you feeling the pressure to perform and appear confident and successful in the corporate world while feeling very anxious and overwhelmed inside?

Loneliness - Are you having difficulties finding a satisfying relationship?

Parent - Child Issues - Do you have unresolved issues with your parents? Are you a parent and your relationship with your children is distant or you feel estranged from them?

Trauma - Has an event happened to you now or in the past which leaves you feeling traumatised and powerless?

Depression and Suicidal Thoughts - Are you feeling depressed? Are you finding it difficult to find a way of improving your circumstances? Does life feel meaningless? Are you in pain and this is making you feel suicidal?

Individual Therapy

 “Faith is the bird that feels the light when the dawn is still dark.”

~ Rabindranath Tagore