
Dawn Therapy Dawn Therapy

The Happy Lawyer

A recent article published by the American Bar Association (ABA) claims that many lawyers ultimately regret their career choice, seeing it as a “personal tragedy”.

While there are unhappy people in every profession, and lawyers are not the exception, Ho Wei Sim writes that it is sobering to look at the statistics measuring just how unhappy lawyers are. An often-cited Johns Hopkins University study of more than 100 occupations found that lawyers top the list for incidence of major depression, while the ABA reports that the rate of suicide among US lawyers is higher than among all other occupations. As many as a quarter of lawyers suffer from psychological distress, including anxiety, social alienation, isolation, and depression, while the rate of substance abuse among lawyers is double that of the US national average.

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Dawn Therapy Dawn Therapy

Attachment Styles and Couple Relationships - Podcast

This week's guest is the awesome Wei Sim Ho - A Psychotherapist, based out of Dublin, Ireland. We speak with Wei Sim about Attachment theory in the context of heterosexual romantic relationships. We particularly focus on conflict in a relationship, and what happens when both parties in a partnership have either opposing or similar attachment styles.

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Dawn Therapy Dawn Therapy

‘Resilience And Happiness In The Life Of A Lawyer’ - CPD for Lawyers - E-Learning

A Psychotherapist-cum-lawyer’s unique insight into our job - How to recognise and manage negative thinking patterns and relationships with ourselves, others and with money.

A lawyer’s life can be emotionally difficult. Yet feeling bad and not coping runs counter to the lawyer’s role: the strong advisor on whom anxious clients can depend.

Many lawyers suffer from anxiety, panic attacks, dissatisfaction at work, relationship issues, illness, addiction, depression and suicide.

Lawyers who are suffering need to believe that things can get better, that they can be happier, and part of that process is recognising that they are hurting and believing that they can overcome their difficulties.

Finding happiness and living well is a personal journey for everyone. In this session, you can begin to explore this difficult and personal question.

Wei Sim Ho talks to us about, amongst other things, finding meaning and purpose, having personal power, managing our relationship with money, discovering resilience and survival, and discovering our gifts.

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 “Dance me to your beauty

with a burning violin

Dance me through the panic

till I’m gathered safely in

Lift me like an olive branch

and be my homeward dove

Dance me to the end of love”

~Leonard Cohen